Tag: advice


Why will the press soon not be able to do without audio?

Why Will the Press Soon Not be Able to Do Without Audio ?   With the emergence of the Internet, newspapers are less and less used and had to be replaced by online articles. In fact, the press had to go digital to continue to reach its audience. Currently, audio is growing in consumption, so much so that 87% of French

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Sound marketing, a new challenge for communication agencies

Sound Marketing, a New Challenge for Communication Agencies.   New communication mediums are constantly emerging, giving brands the opportunity to express themselves differently. Decades ago, the print format was one of the main means of communication. Then, a multitude of channels emerged, such as television, social networks, websites, and radio. In recent years, there has been an emergence of audio

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The Price of Creating a Podcast

What is the Price of Podcast Creation?   If you’re looking to get into this trendy format, you’ve probably already asked yourself the question, « How much does it cost to create a podcast? » Every year, the number of French people who listen to native podcasts or radio replay increases by 52% (Harris Media) And many brands are also starting to

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The Price of Creating Sonic Branding

What is the Price of Sonic Branding Creation ?   Some companies, often the smallest ones, don’t have the courage to create a musical universe for their brand. Among the reluctance that we observe, it is the audio branding creation price that comes up most often. : « How much does it cost to create an audio branding? », « I have no idea

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Add Sonic Branding to your Brand Strategy

What is Sonic Branding and What is its Purpose ?   The visual identity has become an essential part of corporate communication. Nevertheless, there are other levers that allow you to develop your brand image. In fact, sonic branding is a rapidly expanding field. In recent years, the advent of the video format has contributed to a popularized use of

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How to Convert your Brand Into Music?

How to Create Sonic Branding that Corresponds to your Brand ?    With the emergence of sound in communication (podcast, digital audio ads, voicebot, video), new marketing challenges arise for companies. Brands must now master the audio dimension of their branding to develop a real sonic branding. Even though graphic design is widely understood and exploited by companies, audio is

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Enhance your Expertise Through Podcasting

How to Add Value to your Expertise by Using Podcasts in Your Content Strategy ?   Being all the rage for the last few years, the podcast is still attracting the French. Indeed, 2 out of 3 listeners of native podcasts were not listening to them a year ago!   In addition, it is interesting to point out that according

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3 Tips for Creating a Memorable Audio Logo

How to Create a Memorable Audio Logo ?   As we explained in a previous article, the audio logo acts as an audio signature for the brand. Its interest is therefore to be recognized and memorized by the listeners.  Therefore, you should think about these objectives when you are going to create your audio logo. In this article, you will

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Sound Design for a Podcast

How to Create a Sound Design for your Podcast ? After recording your podcast, the world of post-production unfolds for you.  The post-production allows obtaining a podcast ready for broadcasting by applying several treatments such as de-rushing, mixing and sound design ! This last step turns out to be crucial to offer an immersive sound experience for your listeners. In this

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Improve the Quality of Your Podcasts

Why and How to Make the Post-Production of Your Podcasts ?   Want to launch your own podcast ? Whether it’s for your personal pleasure, or to advertise your brand (or both), there are technical details to consider. Listen to these two extracts (Sportcast – Sud Ouest) :  Did you hear the difference ? The one that strikes us the

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