Sound Marketing, a New Challenge for Communication Agencies.
New communication mediums are constantly emerging, giving brands the opportunity to express themselves differently.
Decades ago, the print format was one of the main means of communication. Then, a multitude of channels emerged, such as television, social networks, websites, and radio.
In recent years, there has been an emergence of audio and sonic communication media.
55% of French people have listened to at least one audio content – apart from music – during the year (Audible).
In the same way that companies adapted their means of communication, agencies must also innovate to meet the new challenges of sound marketing for brands.
It is therefore in their interest to diversify their offers in order to integrate an audio dimension.
Discover what an agency can offer its clients to develop their audio marketing:
- Proposing a Sound Branding to your Client
- Reinforcing the Client’s Content Strategy
- Enabling the Client to buy Digital Audio Advertising Space
- Towards the Democratization of Voice Assistants?
🎼 Proposing a Sound Branding to your Client
A common service provided by many agencies is the creation of the brand, and more specifically visual identity (logo & graphic charter).
However, the rise of audio communication supports makes the creation of a sound identity for a brand relevant.
It is therefore an opportunity for agencies to stand out by offering their clients complete brand identity, combining image and sound.
The advantage for an agency to deliver this kind of service is to take charge of the whole communication of the brand and to become a 360° reference of communication for its client.
It is not, here, a question of replacing the graphic chart with a sound chart, but to add the sound as a complement to the visual.
The most comprehensible example of the use of sound and image simultaneously is the association of an audio logo with its animated logo.
For the brand, the stakes of having a sound identity are multiple:
- First of all, it is a question of harmonizing its communication and making its brand consistent in the audio dimension.
- It also allows to reinforce the identification of its brand by being recognized on all its audio contact points. This makes it more memorable and easier to get into the consumer’s mind.
- Moreover, it is about creating a link with its audience.
💿 Reinforcing the Client’s Content Strategy
The content proposed by a brand must also be adapted to match the new consumption habits of the French.
In fact, the podcast format is more and more consumed in France.
Almost 1/3 of Internet users listen to podcasts every month (Médiamétrie)
This format meets different marketing objectives for a company, by affirming its positioning, enhancing its expertise, and creating a link with its audience.
It is also used for internal communication.
If the podcast is so successful, it is because it can be consumed while being active (while doing sports, taking the subway, or cooking).
It only solicits the hearing and leaves the other senses to their own occupations.
It is therefore important for an agency to assist its clients in their audio marketing, through the deployment of an audio content strategy. This allows us to respond to the problems of brands that wish to continue to communicate with their customers.
Brands adapt to their clients and agencies adapt to brands. 🤝
For the agency, it is also the advantage of retaining its client and potentially renewing its services with them. Indeed, a series of podcasts can lead to another, and can even become a regular source of income for the agency.
💻 Enabling the Client to buy Digital Audio Advertising Space
Are you an agency that already sells advertising space in the press, on TV, or on display networks?
It is now just as relevant to offer advertising space on music streaming platforms.
Access to music has been made easier since the 2000s, thanks to streaming platforms that offer Internet users the opportunity to listen to music from all over the world in one place.
And if these platforms offer a premium service, a free version is also possible, which is beneficial for brands.
A listener who listens to his free playlist will be forced to listen to ads to switch from one music to another, and will therefore not have the possibility to skip it, like in a Display ad.
The advantage of audio advertising on streaming platforms, compared to traditional radio, is that you can precisely target the recipients of the advertising 🎯
Accompanying brands in their audio advertising campaigns means allowing them to capture the attention of their listeners.
And it is a system that works. According to a Sortlist study, 70% of people surveyed have already bought something as a result of an audio ad.
Managing audio advertising campaigns on platforms such as Deezer, Spotify or YouTube Music is now a considerable asset for agencies that want to offer their clients new advertising strategies.
In fact, Spotify has launched its online advertising network, allowing anyone to become an advertiser on this platform.
🤖 Towards the Democratization of Voice Assistants?
If companies are used to using chatbots to communicate in real-time with their customers on digital media, the emergence of voice assistants allows them to go even further and offer a 100% interactive customer experience.
Voice assistants are developing more and more in France, so much so that today 16 to 20 million French people use them, occasionally or regularly (Viseo)
This is a basic trend, which has been emerging for a few years now and which should become more and more prevalent.
Agencies should not hesitate to anticipate their clients’ needs and propose the development of voice assistants now.
For brands, this allows them to guarantee an optimal customer experience, and for agencies, it means developing the totality of what it is possible to do today on the audio dimension of a brand.
Getasound, Sound Partner of Communication Agencies.
Getasound is the solution for communication agencies that want to expand their services by integrating the audio dimension.
By externalizing your sound production needs, you can save time while satisfying your clients’ needs and diversifying your revenue.
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Getasound offers you the opportunity to integrate sound marketing into your offers in order to diversify your revenues and stand out from other agencies.

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