Add Sonic Branding to your Brand Strategy

What is Sonic Branding and What is its Purpose ?


The visual identity has become an essential part of corporate communication. Nevertheless, there are other levers that allow you to develop your brand image. In fact, sonic branding is a rapidly expanding field.

In recent years, the advent of the video format has contributed to a popularized use of audio in corporate communication. Other communication media are also using audio, such as podcasts and voice assistants. Thus, audio-branding is becoming an essential component in a complete brand strategy. However, 6/10 of brands have never assessed their audio color (Professional Marketing).

This article explains how to use your sonic branding in order to enhance your brand’s image.


I – What is Sonic Branding  ?

II – From Musical Synchronization to Sonic Branding

III – Why Create your Sonic Branding  ?

IV – Where and When to use your Sonic Branding ?

V – How to Create your Sonic Branding ?

🎶 What is Sonic Branding ?

Sonic branding is the audio dimension of brand identity. In this respect, it brings together a set of sounds, music, voices, and coherent sound effects to reinforce the brand’s image.

Sonic branding’s principle is to embody the brand’s (values, personality, mission) using a relevant musical vocabulary.

The Different Components of Sonic Branding :

The two main components are the logo (signature) and DNA sonification. To have a complete sonic branding, it is possible to create variations in coherence with the sound charter.

In the same way that visual identity is governed by a graphic charter, sonic branding is governed by a sound charter. In fact, its purpose is to define the use of sounds in the different communication points of the brand. In other words, it allows the different collaborators to adopt a unified and coherent sound system.

Note that the voice is also a vector of sonic branding. In fact, the type of voice and its intonation characterize the personality of the brand.

To illustrate what we mean, we will use our sonic branding realization for the Sud Ouest group. You can find the sound charter here.


  1. Sud Ouest - ADN sonore William Robertson 2:31
  2. Sud Ouest - Logo sonore William Robertson 0:12


  1. Sud Ouest - Déclinaison - Attente Téléphonique William Robertson 2:10
  2. Sud Ouest - Déclinaison - Réseaux Sociaux A William Robertson 1:19
  3. Sud Ouest - Déclinaison - Réseaux Sociaux B William Robertson 1:06
  4. Sud Ouest - Déclinaison - Montée Événementielle William Robertson 0:38
  5. Sud Ouest - Déclinaison - Événementiel Sportif William Robertson 2:21
  6. Sud Ouest - Déclinaison - Logo sonore - Breaking News William Robertson 0:08
  • The DNA Sonification is the central pillar of sonic branding since it is the anthem of the brand. It defines its musical vocabulary, i.e. it precisely defines the instrumentation, rhythmic, melodic lines, and harmonies. Its objective is to embody the brand image with the appropriate sounds (according to its values, history, its personality, and the way it wants to be perceived). Therefore, this custom-made creation aims to be rich and composed of different parts with various dynamics, in order to define the boundaries of a wide musical vocabulary. Then, this authentic anthem of the brand is declined and adapted to cover all the communication media. These then have a unity that reinforces the overall impact of communication.  


  • The audio logo (also called jingle) is a real musical signature of about 5 seconds. It punctuates the brand’s speeches. 


  • The DNA gives rise to different variations that will remain consistent between them in order to cover the various contact points of the brand. 
    • On-hold music is a good entry point into a musical universe for consumers and it helps to keep callers waiting.
    • Whether it’s a corporate film or a commercial, the impact of the different video formats is heightened by a custom-made soundtrack.
    • Corporate events are more impactful with a sound system that reflects the brand’s universe. For example, the event rise will be used to introduce a speech during an event.
    • Thematic variations may be relevant to address different target audiences:
      • Sud Ouest has two types of music: one for its corporate activities, and the other for its sports activities in order to match the atmosphere and the audience of the event.
      • In addition, the group also has a version of its audio logo that is more like « breaking news » to cover its TV7 newscast.

Coherence of Sound Elements

The sound universe, like a good translator, gives guidelines and coherence to the brand’s identity. 

In this way, the elements that make up the sonic identity are all musically coherent with each other, in order to provide the unity that will strengthen the branding. In fact, these different elements are created based on the image that the brand wants to send. It is, therefore, crucial to establish a creative brief that reflects the brand’s universe and defines the sound creations.

🔊 From Musical Synchronization to Sonic Branding

The Sound : Before & Now

Music permeates most customs and cultures and associations between brands and music are not new. Already in the 1920s, music was covering advertisements, especially through radio: « It’s not trivial, at the time, jingles made their debut on the radio so that listeners would recognize their favorite shows before they started, encouraging them to stay. Advertising followed the same model. »

And today, it is becoming more and more present and necessary. From now on, since it is easier to create, transport, and broadcast, it is an essential element in our social life.

7/10 of brands believe that msuic will be more important in the future (

Before the internet, companies didn’t necessarily have the opportunity to communicate through media including audio. In fact, the only ones who could afford it were brands with a big enough budget to run TV or radio spots.

From now on, even the most modest companies have the possibility to make themselves heard and to explore a new dimension of communication: the sound dimension. In fact, the web with advertising agencies such as Facebook, youtube, Instagram, or tik tok opens the door to the use of videos in any company. Progressively, the term sonic branding emerges and imposes itself as a real asset for brands.

Digital Audio : a Trend in Communication

First of all, sonic branding involves all types of media on which the brand speaks, especially audio-digital advertising (Deezer, Spotify…). In fact, it offers a new touchpoint at which brands can get their message across.

De son côté, le podcast, bien qu’il soit un territoire encore récent pour l’identité sonore, ne cesse de séduire l’hexagone depuis ces trois dernières années.  For its part, although the podcast is still a recent territory for sonic branding, it does not cease to attract the French for these last three years. 

4% of French people listen to native podcasts on a weekly basis (Havas study)

Indeed, it is a media that finds more and more its place at the moment where the time for visual attention begins to be filled between different visual and audiovisual formats that were already proposed. It is part of the uses and is consumed at times when the listener is active (commuting to work, sports session, cooking…)  

Find more about the podcast in our white paper.


Develop your sonic branding thanks to voicebots.



Voice assistants are not to be outdone. In fact, the emergence of this medium offers a new and interesting point of contact for brands wishing to interact in a personalized way with their audience. In this exclusively audio medium, it is essential for the brand to embody a unique and identifiable sonic branding. 


🤷 Why create your sonic branding ?

L'identité sonore pour traduire les valeurs de la marque en musique.

Using the Power of Audio

A study by Médiavéa shows that listening to pleasant music increases by 7.5% on average the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that the brain releases during a positive experience. As such, associating your brand with the pleasure hormone is the ultimate quest of neuro-marketers.

Other studies, conducted by Professor Hervé Platel, show the existence of musical memory. While working with people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, he discovered that they were still able to learn musical tunes. That is to say, they do not remember the words but they can hum the melody.

Therefore, brands can use music assets. Namely, the pleasure it provokes, its easy memorization, and the possibility of being associated with the one who sings it or with the brand that uses it.

Enhancing your Brand’s Image

However, sonic branding is not only a musical matter, but it is also a brand matter. To strengthen its image, it is essential to question the values and objectives of the company. It is through this channel that it is possible to assert one’s identity and thus one’s values, in communication media that includes the audio dimension.

In other words, audio branding embodies the brand in its sound dimension.

For example, a company that sells relaxation products will tend to avoid hard rock music style. However, it can also be a choice if the brand wants to emphasize its offbeat side.

More than 96% of memorization for the brands that use music coherent with their identity ( Leicester University Study)

Making Sounds’ Use in Communication Coherent

In addition, a brand can use sonic branding to give harmony to its words. The idea is to unify them to avoid an incoherent effect. Indeed, it is necessary to be able to be identified immediately by its audience and it is possible only if the sounds emitted on the various media of broadcasting are coherent.

For example, a brand without musical universe risks using different types of music (country, electro, funk…) for its videos, radio spots, and events. As a result, it will not be clearly identifiable and it risks losing its consumers.

Making the Consumer Appreciate your Brand

Today, we no longer address the consumer with one-way information. The consumer is constantly giving feedback, so brands now include him in their universe. A particular emotional bond is created between the consumer and the brand, which is why music represents an asset for the company by allowing to weave a strong emotional bond.

80% of Internet users have a positive opinion of a brand that is associated with music (

Hence it is important to have a coherent universe in order not to lose the consumer. This universe is supported by different marketing attributes, such as visual identity.

Sonic branding is part of this continuity since it allows the brand to associate itself with an imaginary world in order to be more identified, better understood, and more appreciated.

Stand Out with a Unique Identity

In fact, we observe that personalized creation is more relevant than musical synchronization (i.e. synchronizing one’s brand image with that of an artist, using already existing creations).

The goal is not to adapt your image to match existing creations but to keep your personality and carry it through the sound.

90% of the most successful branded music is custom-made (Study by Sixth Sound and Harris Interactive)

🗺️ Where and When to Use your Sonic Branding ?

Today, communication is done through several channels, this is what we call multi-channel communication.

This is why there is a need for harmony between the brand’s different touchpoints. To create and broadcast your sonic branding coherently, it is necessary to identify your brand’s audio touchpoints.

By adapting and declining your DNA on your different contact points, you keep a brand unity with your audience. 

 Utilisation de l'identité sonore sur de multiple supports.

On your Videos

Audio branding is useful for video sound design. The DNA and the audio logo allow giving personality to an audiovisual content whether it is a commercial or a corporate film. Thus, your commercials’ impact and your corporate films will be enhanced.

  • Example : Here is the sonic branding of HDI, useful for the video sound design. Discover the case study. (available only in French)


For your On-Hold Music

You can improve your brand image and your customer relations thanks to on-hold music. Based on the DNA, it allows a smooth entry into your musical universe.

  • Example : In order to open the doors of its musical universe to the public, the start-up ZeWay has opted for on-hold music. Discover the use case. (available only in French)


During your Events

Sound creations dedicated to events allow giving rhythm and dynamism to an event by supporting your brand image. Moreover, they allow to unite and to create a link between the participants around your brand. Using this, the music of event rising allows for introducing a speech or the arrival of a key speaker. And the musical commas ensure the transition between different phases of the event. In short, original consistent music allows reinforcing the promotion of the event (teaser, after movie, …)


  • Example : The University of Bordeaux opted for a sound design for the graduation ceremony of its Ph.D. students. event music was created for the occasion. Discover the case study. (available only in French)


In your Podcasts

The podcast is a powerful medium in a content strategy. In fact, a podcast opening gives an auditory unity to your perceived image and wins the loyalty of your listeners.

  • Example : Nobatek has embarked on a podcast with the purpose of introducing people to the field of green building. Discover the case study.


On your Voice Assistants

 Sonic branding also applies to voice assistants since it gives character and allows to be clearly identified by personifying your brand.


For your Radio Spots

Audio advertising has a 24% higher memorization rate than display advertising (spotifyforbrands – 2017). So, if the radio spot makes such an impression, it’s a matter of making good use of it and reinforcing its impact, especially with the use of a jingle to sign your spots. As a matter of fact, not putting an audio logo on a radio spot is like not putting your graphic logo on a flyer !

  • Example : MAJJE created a sonic branding to give personality to its commercials. Discover the case study. (available only in French)

Only 20% of brands use an audio logo in their ads (Nielsen Europe study)


🎼 How to Create your Sonic Branding ?

How Much Money Should you Spend on Creating your Sonic Branding ?

If you’re considering creating an identity for your brand, you’re certainly asking yourself the question, « How much does it cost to create a sonic branding ? »

This price is very variable and depends on several criteria such as : the service provider you choose (the price is often correlated to the reputation of the service provider), the level of support required (if your brand communicates on several media, the project will be more important !), the scope of the exploitation (web ? national ? international ?), or the number of variations considered .

Therefore, we are talking about a (very) wide range from 1500€ to more than 50 000€, depending on your ambitions.

Beyond a cost, it is above all an investment in your brand. In order to answer this question, it is, therefore, more relevant to define the budget you would be willing to invest in this subject.

For example, you could call on a composer on a microservices platform for a much lower price. However, don’t forget that this is a structuring subject for your communication, which implies a real « audio branding » expertise. In other words, don’t sell off your brand image by setting a budget that is too low, as the result may not serve you well. Once again, the analogy with your visual logo can help you think about it !

In order to guide you on this subject, consult our article on the cost of creating a sonic branding.

Make a Relevent Creative Brief for your Brand

First of all, it is necessary to remember that sonic branding has its roots in the brand’s DNA and not in the manager’s tastes (except when the brand image is carried by the personality of the manager).

Before you get started, it can be useful to listen to the sonic brandings of your competitors. Being interested in the musical codes of the sector allows you to better define what you want for your own brand, by getting closer or further away from what is already being done.

It is therefore necessary, to faithfully convey your brand into music, to create a document based on objective criteria in order not to give in to the temptation of subjectivity which is powerful with music. In this sense, the advice of audio branding professionals is important to have an external vision of the creative choices and the brief definition. 

To help enterprises define this music brief, we have created an online briefing tool that is based on our experience of audio branding.

You can also define a moodboard with several sound examples to help your partners understand the direction you want your brand identity to take.

Un moodboard est un outil pour se donner une idée de ce que l'on veut. Dans ce cas, il y a plusieurs exemples de musiques à choisir pour aider dans la création de son identité sonore.

In fact, to avoid going down the wrong way, it is useful to list your brand’s touchpoints including audio. This is what will allow you to make an informed choice regarding the variations to be planned.

The starting point is the DNA and audio logo, a brand with communication including few sound touchpoints can only have two elements in the first place.

Sonic Branding Creation Solutions

The creative brief is ready, it is now the time to create it. You have two choices : to create it yourself or to fulfill it. 

Create your Own Sonic Branding

Unless you are an experienced musician yourself, it is essential not to underestimate the creative process. Just like your visual identity, the sonic branding is meant to be preserved in time and not to change so quickly. It is thus necessary to take the stages of creation seriously in order to invest in the duration.

However, if you want to create it internally, you have to pay special attention to the mixing and mastering of your creations. This is an essential issue and entrusting these last steps of post-production to a sound engineer is necessary to ensure professional sound quality. A well-done mix/mastering is heard and enhances your brand image.

Compositeur pour l'article comprendre et utiliser l'identité sonore

Entrust your Musical Identity Creation to a Professional

If you prefer to leave the creation of your sonic branding in the hands of a qualified professional, you should choose the right provider:

  • Traditional audio-branding agencies guarantee quality support and the creation of an identity that perfectly matches your brand. However, requiring the advice of such structures implies a more substantial investment. The services offered are generally targeted at companies that have the budget to devote to 360-degree communication. Nevertheless, the prices can vary according to the provider and your brand’s needs.
  • Turning to a specialized composer is a good solution to have a high-quality sound at a lower cost. However, composing and marketing are two very distinct things. And it will be necessary to be precise in your request to guide the composer in the best way possible and thus obtain original creations of quality. Moreover, you will have to take care of the complex legal and administrative management exercise of this type of collaboration.


  • Getasound puts you in touch with qualified freelance composers and takes charge of the legal formalities. Furthermore, you are advised and accompanied throughout the creation process in order to obtain the sonic branding that corresponds to your brand image without having to worry about reading the fine print of the contracts. Finally, the creation of the brief and the collaboration take place on an adapted platform in order to manage this project efficiently.

Need to create sonic branding ?

Getasound conveys your brand into music and connects you with the best composers to develop your sonic branding.

Personalized sound creation

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