Tag: 134


Associating animated logo and audio logo

How to Use your Audio Logo to Enhance the Impact of your Logo Animation ? Logo animation, while being used more and more by companies, is still quite rare and often poorly exploited. It is useful to sign the brand’s speech on videos. The advantage of animating a visual logo is to offer an additional wealth of expression to the brand.

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The Price of Creating Sonic Branding

What is the Price of Sonic Branding Creation ?   Some companies, often the smallest ones, don’t have the courage to create a musical universe for their brand. Among the reluctance that we observe, it is the audio branding creation price that comes up most often. : « How much does it cost to create an audio branding? », « I have no idea

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3 Tips for Creating a Memorable Audio Logo

How to Create a Memorable Audio Logo ?   As we explained in a previous article, the audio logo acts as an audio signature for the brand. Its interest is therefore to be recognized and memorized by the listeners.  Therefore, you should think about these objectives when you are going to create your audio logo. In this article, you will

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A study on the efficiency of the audio logo

A Study on the Efficiency of Audio Logo Over the years, sound production has increased considerably (especially thanks to the development of home studios). Listening to music has also become part of our daily lives with the rise of music streaming platforms such as Spotify, Deezer or even Soundcloud. To be part of this musical consumption trend, brands are developing

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